
Click Donate Button
Click Donate Button

Use the above QR code or donate button, or you may make monetary donations to the library by check or money order!

Make payable to “Cazenovia Neighborhood Library”

Mail to: Cazenovia Neighborhood Library                                                                     

155 Cazenovia Street                                                                                             

 Buffalo, NY 14210


Book SALE … We culled older doubles to make room for incoming new literature! Old culled titles $1.00 donation each!

Stop in and pick up this book for a $12.00 donation ( LIMITED SUPPLY )

 For over 90 years, the Cazenovia Library has continuously served its South Buffalo neighborhood as a vital hub for books and community services. Budget cuts threatened a closing in 2005, but, thanks to dedicated volunteers, the library remains open.

Its services include book and video lending, computer and technology access, research materials, programming such as children’s story hours and crafting, community gatherings, and special events. Caz’s Board agrees that accessibility is key, since a large component of their patrons walk to the library.

Even the smallest donation makes a big difference, since all donations go directly to materials and programming, because the library is completely volunteer-run.

Caz is located at 155 Cazenovia Street, Buffalo, NY 14210

Cazenovia Neighborhood Library is an all-volunteer run independent library services organization. We seek to provide full library services including book lending, periodicals, computer and technology access, research materials, childrens clubs and crafts, health and wellness programs, community gatherings and special events within a walkable, accessible setting. We believe that our services can best enrich and educate the public when we are closely connected to our neighborhood!

For more than 97 years, the Cazenovia Library has served the South Buffalo community and beyond. With a renewed mission for 2016, we are dedicated to promoting literacy and creativity, serving our community, and opening opportunity.

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 © 2023 Cazenovia Neighborhood Library

Official Website of South Buffalo's Cazenovia Library